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Wir nehmen am 08. Oktober 2021 an dem größten digitalen Wasserstoff-Event der Welt teil. Sind sie auch bei der HYDROGEN ONLINE CONFERENCE? Wir würden uns freuen, wenn wir uns dort zumindest virtuell sehen und ins Gespräch kommen könnten.

Erfahren Sie mehr!
Hydrogen Online Conference

Rencontrez-nous au HOC, le plus grand événement mondial sur l'hydrogène numérique.


Thomas Reus



+49 661 6003 336 Schedule a meeting now


JUMO-Sensoren sind H2 ready

JUMO-Sensoren sind H2 ready

Zuverlässige Sensorik für H2-Anwendungen

Wir sind H2 ready

Unsere Sensoren wurden von einem unabhängigen Prüflabor nach der Norm CSA ANSI HGV 3.1 geprüft. Getestet wurden hydrostatische Festigkeit, übermäßiges Drehmoment, Leckrate, Vibrationsbeständigkeit, Spannungsrisskorrosion sowie die Betriebs-, Spannungs- und Isolationsfestigkeit. Die getesteten Sensoren sind mit dem H2 ready-Signet gekennzeichnet.

Zu den Sensoren






Process optimization in fuel cells

Also possible via remote monitoring and control

Fuel cells are now being used in both stationary and mobile applications in an extremely wide range of fields. You can get the sensor technology you need from JUMO. All devices offer the utmost safety, have the required approvals, and work with a high degree of precision and reliability. Digital interfaces enable the use of state-of-the-art automation concepts, while monitoring can be performed practically anywhere using common web browsers. Your systems therefore run effectively in the optimum range and can be evaluated in a flexible manner.

The solutions
Optimally functioning fuel cell systems

Optimally functioning fuel cell systems

Absolute safety for hydrogen refueling stations

Absolute safety for hydrogen refueling stations

Technologies for the refueling stations of the future

Safe – reliable – economical

Hydrogen refueling stations are at the heart of hydrogen mobility and make a significant contribution to the spread of environmentally friendly drive technologies. A smooth process sequence during refueling is ensured by precise monitoring of temperature and pressure. At the same time, strict safety precautions and approvals for explosion protection are essential. Our innovative sensors fulfill both aspects and as a result become indispensable components of hydrogen refueling stations.

The solutions

Functional safety in infrastructures with hydrogen

No problem with JUMO Safety Performance

Due to the high flammability of H2, functional safety in hydrogen applications should not be taken lightly. This is where JUMO Safety Performance comes into play; a brand that stands for the highest level of plant safety. It includes devices with SIL and PL certification as well as passive elements for use in SIL and PL measuring chains. We would be happy to put together the right components for your plant.

The solutions
Functional safety when handling hydrogen

Functional safety when handling hydrogen


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Please don't hesitate to contact me!

Rainer Moritz

Market Segment Manager for Renewable Energy


+49 661 6003-9133 Contact me!